
heideggerian filosofi

  1. what being here means, what experiencing things are; a continous unconcealment of the world to the viewer
  2. hunger, pain, vision, hearing, thoughts; the world unconceiling itself to the viewer
  3. so wat is death? the world concealing itself to said viewer
  4. but is teh viewer gone? or just unrecognized?
  5. perhaps someday, it will be recognized again. and if we consider the world to be infinite, den it will be
  6. anyways. just thinking about the finitude of experience. that this reality that one experiences will end soon is good 2 meditate on
  7. makes one want 2 be something, to stay in a state of wakefulness, aware of the world


  1. don't stay on technology for too long; read books often & hang out with friends
