

arscommentarii is a commentary and research aggregate that focuses on hermeneutics, the teleology of traditions, actus essendi and Dasein.

i'm a student of engineering, a christian communist, somewhat of a luddite

hermeneutics is the study of literary interpretation.
teleology is the philosophical explanation of why a phenomena has actus essendi; traditions are beliefs/activities, passed on by heritage.
actus essendi (Latin, "the act of being") is a technical term used by Aquinas, along with "essence" to describe objects that exists outside the mind; "essence" is what makes objects to be what it is, actus essendi is what gives objects and their essence actual existence.
dasein is a similar term used by Heidegger to describe the experience of being, of existing.

here's a list of some of my influences, in no particular order:

it is always a blessing to be moved by an other's insight

—hopefully i share this blessing